If I am currently in America as a student or any other category, will the company help
me change the immigration category?
Answer: Yes
What is the responsibility of the media department and advertising department of STL
Answer: Producing video, graphic and text content with the highest quality and placing them on Instagram,
YouTube, Telegram and Facebook, as well as using tools such as live streaming to increase the actual views of the
What is the responsibility of foreign relations and STL branches?
Answer: Communication with branches, coordination with branches and head office
What is the responsibility of the human resources department of STL?
Answer: providing and continuous training of human resources, completing the forms related to the personnel,
checking the working process of the personnel and reporting to the management, determining the rights and benefits,
determining the cost and penalty for the cost and punishing the personnel.
What is the accounting and financial responsibility of STL?
Answer: Carrying out the financial affairs of the company or branch, preparing financial reports, paying salaries and
invoices, receiving company materials, etc.
What is the responsibility of the STL office secretary?
Answer: Answering office phones, scheduling meetings, coordination between departments with management.
What is the responsibility of the STL office worker?
Answer: Cleaning office, catering services to employees and customers
What is the responsibility of STL transportation and services unit?
Answer: Providing transportation service to office management and customers
The employer will be allowed to issue the order to start the test at any moment he deems appropriate.
To pass, you need to answer 70% of the 100% questions.
We will conduct this exam once a month and if you:
Part 0:
• If you are a new job applicant » 30 - 40 - 50 - 60 points out of 100 points = refusal to start working and study and
test again.
Part 1:
• If you are our colleague » 30-40-50-60 points out of 100 points = study and retest and 1000 lira fine and
deduction from salary.
Part 2:
• If you are our colleague » 30-40-50-60 points out of 100 points = stop work and study and retest without monthly
salary and outside the work environment. (for 10 days)
Part 3:
• If you are our colleague » 30-40-50-60 points out of 100 points = suspension of work and termination of
cooperation (dismissal).
Part A:
• If you are our colleague » 65-75 points out of 100 points = normal and 200 lira encouragement.
Part B:
• If you are our colleague » 75 - 85 points out of 100 points = you are good and 1000 lira encouragement.
Part C:
• If you are our colleague » 100 - 85 points out of 100 points = you are excellent and 3000 lira incentive + job
promotion and monthly salary increase
(Attention: Your behavior and work performance will also be considered by us)
Çalışmaya başlamak ve işe alınmak için bu formu dikkatlice okumalı ve ardından sınava girmelisiniz.
Dikkat: İşveren uygun gördüğü her an teste başlama emri verebilir.
Geçmek için %100 soruların %70'ini cevaplamanız gerekir.
Bu sınavı ayda bir yapacağız ve eğer:
Yeni bir iş başvurusunda bulunuyorsanız » 100 puan üzerinden 30 - 40 - 50 - 60 puan = çalışmaya başlamayı, ders çalışmayı ve tekrar test yapmayı
Birinci kısım: Meslektaşımız iseniz » 100 puan üzerinden 30-40-50-60 puan = çalışma ve tekrar test ve 1000 lira para cezası ve maaştan kesinti.
İkinci kısım: Meslektaşımız iseniz » 100 puan üzerinden 30-40-50-60 puan = aylık maaşsız ve iş ortamı dışında çalışmayı bırakıp ders çalışmak ve
tekrar sınava girmek. (10 gün için)
3. Bölüm: Meslektaşımız iseniz » 100 puan üzerinden 30-40-50-60 puan = işin askıya alınması ve işbirliğinin sona erdirilmesi (işten çıkarılma).
A Bölümü: Meslektaşımız iseniz » 100 puan üzerinden 65-75 puan = normal ve 200 lira teşvik.
B Bölümü: Meslektaşımız iseniz » 100 puan üzerinden 75 - 85 puan = iyisiniz ve 1000 lira teşvik.
B Bölümü: Meslektaşımız iseniz » 100 puan üzerinden 100 - 85 puan = mükemmelsiniz ve 3000 lira teşvik + terfi ve aylık maaş artışı
(Dikkat: Davranışlarınız ve iş performansınız da tarafımızca değerlendirilecektir.)
A). According to the CEO decision on 13th of July 2023, the company's head office in
Turkey will be notified as follows and will be implemented from Monday, 17th of July 2023:
Services that can be provided to applicants:
1. Job searching
Search and find work and getting job offer after enter into a contract with the employer for:
USA, Turkey, Canada, Australia and Germany.
2. Training of applicants for the STL GLOBAL (USA) services.
Training for learning the rules.
Training for company Services.
Marketing Training for the company.
Training for the Laws protection of company trade secrets.
Training for safety rules in the company's workplace.
Training for the rules and regulations of conversation with applicants for the company's services.
Training for administrative rules and regulations of the company.
Training for company employment rules.
Training for interview with the company's foreign job applicant.
Training for the company's international advertising rules.
Training for management of external and internal departments.
Training for management of foreign branches.
Training for investment in the foreign trade sector of the company.
A/B). How to study and test:
1- During of training is 15 days.
2- At least a total of 34 hours. (However, this time will depend on the applicant's readiness and he
can apply for the exam earlier).
3- Exam or test is at the end of the course.
4- The exam score must be more than 80% for acceptance .
5- If exam score is been between 60 and 79%, the person can get a chance for re-examination
after 7 Business days wıthout cost.
6- If exam score is been between 10% and 59%, the person must pay $250 because of retest.
7- How to teach: both training booklets have been sent, and within 15 days, 3 sessions of 3 hours
in total will be conducted by 2 experts, who will review the training booklets and answer the
applicant's questions. And they will guide him in every direction.
Each of the teachers who was responsible for the training will receive 20% of the total amount
mentioned in paragraph 6.
8- The cost of training, testing and certification will be $2500. (Each of the tests will have the same
cost again).
9- The total amount will be received in three installments.
$833 advance payment.
$833 in the second half.
$834 at the end of 15 days.
Tax on this amount will be borne by the applicant.
10- At the end, the instructor must complete the survey form for the applicant.
11- Every training must be filmed with the consent of the applicant.
12-20% of the total amount of the certificate after deducting deductions and taxes will be paid to
the broker in cash in the second half as a commission.
Consulting for business investment In Turkey and USA.
Commercial and residential real estate consulting in Turkey, Canada and USA.
-Buying small old houses and remodeling and rebuilding them.
-Buying bankrupt shops and businesses and new managing and business recovery for them.
Advertising consulting.
Promotional events and conferences.
Media advertising for businesses.
Building all kinds of websites.
Installation of CCTV and digital cameras.
Installation of conference cinema for companies.
Prints of posters, brochures and other banners.
Launching of Iranian, American & Turkish monthly magazine.
Setting up coffee shops at least 5 branches now.
Small shops, minimum 35 square meters, maximum 100 square meters. But there should be an
environment outside the shop by placing at least more than 5 tables and 4 people at each table.
Setting up beauty salons at least 2 branches now.
The area of beauty salons is at least 50 and at most 120 square meters with a bathroom and more
than 3 rooms or without rooms with a large hall.
B). Recruitment & hirring:
1- Certified internal accountant for 3 days a week.
2- Real estate department with buying and selling experience of 2 people.
3- Office secretary with more than 36 years of experience, 2 people.
4- Call center, 3 part-time people, 6 people in total.
Regarding the forces, only Mr. Motavaseli will be responsible from A to Z.
C). Correspondences:
Any administrative and official correspondence is needed, the prepared text along with the address
and details of the intended party should be given to Mr. Motavaseli and then he is obliged to send
the email after obtaining official permission from CEO.
D). Tax:
Any type Of Services, sales, Commissions, incomings, payments will be included with tax.
According to the laws of Turkey, sales or income tax of 20% will be deducted from the total sales.
E). Sales invoice or expenses of STL Turkey company:
1. Turkish STL Company will issue a monthly invoice to STL USA before the 28th of every month.
2. STL America will deposit commissions or fees to the account of Turkish company every month
before the 5th of each month.
3- These costs will be officially sent and announced via email to America according to the 2021
F). Training and tests of representatives, brokers and personnel of every person who
works in STL:
1- The training period is 15 days.
2- At least a total of 34 hours. (Of course, this time will depend on the applicant's readiness and he
can apply for the exam earlier).
3- Exam or test at the end of the course.
4- The sum of points must be more than 80%.
5- Between 60 and 79% retest. Retest after 7 working days. (But the second stage will begin to
6- Between 10 and 59% retest after 7 days (but it will not start working.
7- Award: After acceptance from 85% to 100%, the amount of 3000 lira cash award.
8- The second stage of starting work: after the test:
After 15 days of training and exams, the second 15 days will start after passing the exam by
receiving the legal minimum wage until the end of the 30-day period.
The third stage will start in the second month and the broker or employee must show more points
and activity and initiative in order to increase his income.
9- After starting the permanent activity, every month at the end of the month, another test will be
taken from colleagues like the initial test.
(The regulations will be the same as the initial test) but if
the broker or agent is not accepted, he will be suspended from work or if he is not suspended for a
fine of 7 days, he will not be paid for the suspension and will start working again after acceptance.
10- The income or salary may increase up to 45,000 liras according to the activity
(Attention: all matters depend on the employee or broker himself:
Keeping company secrets.
A lot of activity.
Initiative in assigned tasks.
work behavior
Maintaining administrative character and character.
Respect for colleagues.
Seriousness in speech and action.
Defending and maintaining the interests and reputation of the company.
Company recognition.
Confidence in the company.
More effort than usual.
Good appearance, cover and smell.
Responsible, not escapable.
Failure to justify wrongdoing.
No delay in assigned tasks.
Trying to do assigned tasks to obtain positive results.
Doing things without wasting time.
Without waiting for the promises of others and not trusting weak people.
Obtaining a positive result even by referring the request to several people.
Not waiting for the promise of just one person.
Respect company rules.
No referral, correspondence or conversation or asking for money directly from the CEO or his
office manager.
Participating in company meetings or camping at least twice a month.
11- Fines and rewards:
Fines and rewards will be from 500 liras to 3000 liras.
After 5 fines, the person will be automatically expelled from the company. (Each of the cases
mentioned in paragraph 10 will result in fines and rewards.
G). Wages and salaries:
Call center manager:
She/he receipts Monthly 5,000 TL Monthly by bank transfer that before receiving the first
commission, the monthly payments will be deducted and the rest of the commission will be paid.
- If no contract is concluded for up to 3 months, there will be no need to repay the advance
payment, but at least within 3 months. However, during this time the call center manager have to
order a contract and 15 assessment forms for any type of service, otherwise, the advance
payments will be demanded at once and will be revised in the continuation of the cooperation of
the partner.
0.05% of the total commission received by each operator in the call center department.
In case of independent conclusion of a contract, the commission received will be 6% of the total
amount of the contract.
The total of commissions will be paid in 3 parts:
Primary, second and third received. (Advance payment | employer contract | Side costs, which will
take 10 to 15 business days to pay the commission).
All payments will be made after deducting taxes, advertising fees, and commissions of other
Doing things without wasting time.
Without waiting for the promises of others and not trusting weak people.
Obtaining a positive result even by referring the request to several people.
Not waiting for the promise of just one person.
Respect company rules.
No referral, correspondence or conversation or asking for money directly from the CEO or his
office manager.
Participating in company meetings or camping at least twice a month.
11- Fines and rewards:
Fines and rewards will be from 500 liras to 3000 liras.
After 5 fines, the person will be automatically expelled from the company. (Each of the cases
mentioned in paragraph 10 will result in fines and rewards.
G). Wages and salaries:
Call center manager:
She/he receipts Monthly 5,000 TL Monthly by bank transfer that before receiving the first
commission, the monthly payments will be deducted and the rest of the commission will be paid.
- If no contract is concluded for up to 3 months, there will be no need to repay the advance
payment, but at least within 3 months. However, during this time the call center manager have to
order a contract and 15 assessment forms for any type of service, otherwise, the advance
payments will be demanded at once and will be revised in the continuation of the cooperation of
the partner.
0.05% of the total commission received by each operator in the call center department.
In case of independent conclusion of a contract, the commission received will be 6% of the total
amount of the contract.
The total of commissions will be paid in 3 parts:
Primary, second and third received. (Advance payment | employer contract | Side costs, which will
take 10 to 15 business days to pay the commission).
All payments will be made after deducting taxes, advertising fees, and commissions of other
Full-Time: Her/his Monthly income is 13,000 TL.
Foreign relations staff:
Received for:
Part-Time: Her/his Monthly income is 6,000 TL for 3 days a week.
Full-Time: Her/his Monthly income is 12,000 TL.
Note: This is in case the operator of this section does not receive a commission.
In case of receiving a commission:
1% of the total amount of input (profit) that is done by this department independently.
In addition, he will be allowed to work like the call center operators. (In fact, she or he income from
two sectors at the same time.)
Employees of the real estate department:
Like the call center department. But
They will receive 2% of the total amount for any residential or commercial property they buy or
If they find the desired property through real estate consultants or make a deal, the company will
have to pay a commission to the real estate consultants.
If they agree with the other real estate consultants about getting a commission discount, the
company will pay the discount to its employees or broker.
Other rules will be the same as the rules contained in this order.
Media section:
Media manager:
Received for:
Part-Time: Her/his Monthly income is 6,000 TL for 3 days a week.
Full-Time: Her/his Monthly income is 12,500 TL.
The commission from each incoming contract of the company will be 0.05%, which will be divided
among all colleagues in the media department.
The bonus will be distributed every 3 months among all colleagues and activists.
If the media department becomes independent:
Each of the activists of this department will receive only 2500 TL as a monthly allowance.
Media staff:
Received for:
Part-Time: Her/his Monthly income is 6,000 TL for 3 days a week.
Full-Time: Her/his Monthly income is 12,500 TL.
The commission from each incoming contract of the company will be 0.05%, which will be divided
among all colleagues in the media department.
The bonus will be distributed every 3 months among all colleagues and activists.
If the media department becomes independent:
Each of the activists of this department will receive only 2500 liras as a monthly allowance.
H). All mangers, personals, experts and brokers will be subject to the following:
(The rest of the cases related to employees, brokers or representatives will be included in the
cases mentioned in A-C-D-F and other cases related to activists or brokers.)
1-Tax deduction.
2- Advertising deduction.
3- Deduction related to commissions.
4- Rules of hiring.
5- Rules of payments and payment terms.
6- Implementation rules.
7- Working conditions and performance.
8- Rules of rewards and fines.
9- Bonuses every 3 months.
10- Wage increase criteria.
And other cases.
I) Representation:
1- STL GLOBAL Turkey is officially the exclusive broker of STL GLOBAL USA.
K) Responsibilities:
The responsibility of each active department will be on the head of the department, and the fine for
non-implementation of regulations or mistakes will be paid by the head of the department and the
And all the rules and regulations regarding both will be applied.
L) Activity and contract with Star 5 Media Company.
1- Signing an official contract with STL Global USA - STL Global TR.
2- Carrying out all advertising work for both companies according to the agreement between them.
1- If the media sector becomes independent, each of the activists of this sector will receive only
2,500 liras per month as an allowance.
2- The 10% commission of each new advertising contract will be paid to the media department for
the advertising department.
Attention: This 10% will be subject to tax rules and regulations.
M) survey form:
Customers should complete the survey form immediately after signing the contract.
The survey form must be completed by all colleagues at the end of each month.
N) CRM form:
The instant CRM form should be prepared and launched by the programmer and delivered to the
call center department by the media.
O) Call center, International relations and assistant CEO language:
Fluent and conversational in English, Turkish and Farsi, but in their departments they will only
communicate with their colleagues in English.
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